Baleaf x Broadway Commercial
Director: Val Tan
Executive Producer: Lucia Shen
Director of Photography: Eurica Yu
Art Director: Shan Carlson
PopSockets Phone Better Campaign 2.0
Director: Val Tan
Executive Producer: Lucia Shen
Director of Photography: Bowen Moreno
Production Designer: Taylor Woods
PopSockets Phone Better Campaign 2.0
Creative Director: Val Tan
Executive Producer: Lucia Shen
Photographer: Justin Ayers
Production Designer: Taylor Woods
Founded in 2016, DxChannel (当下频道) is a video brand focused on China’s millennials & Gen Z. The brand’s well-produced videos, distributed through Chinese video sharing site Bilibili and on YouTube, are about life, the workplace, and consumerism. They also have a clear public focus, with an explanatory journalism style similar to that of the American news and opinion website Vox. DxChannel currently has 430,000 followers on Bilibili, ~133,000 on YouTube and 1,000,000+ followers on Weibo.
Creative Director: Lucia Shen
Director of Photography: Jalil Butrón
Password: Peugeot